Additional Support

LENS therapy can be the perfect addition to other therapies such as psychotherapy, behavior cognitive therapy, EMDR, in addition to other forms of meditation and mindfulness training. LENS has a special ability of helping other therapies to work better by supporting and strengthening the newly formed signaling pathways. LENS does its work and improves what the other therapies are designed to do, so adding LENS into your overall treatment plan can mean faster gains!

Occasionally, there are times when LENS therapy alone is not enough. If you have an unresolved physical obstruction that persists such as a joint or spinal misalignment, or if you are fighting off a bacterial infection, virus or autoimmune condition, these instances may need therapies in addition to LENS to resolve. It may be beneficial to delay LENS treatments until the body recovers enough to make LENS treatments more effective.

Integrative Medical Care

Dr. Howard K. Elkin, MD, FACC specializes in cardiology and anti-aging medical practice. Jon S. Haupers has been honored to work with Dr. Elkin for more than 10 years. Visit HeartWise Fitness and Longevity Center to learn more. Services include: Cardiovascular Services, Longevity Anti-Aging, Nutritional Services, EECP, Specialized Testing, Acupuncture, Medical Aesthetics and LENS.

Mobile Emergency Chiropractor

Mobile Chiropractic is becoming very popular because people are realizing the benefits of having the office come to you. Private, individualized care is something that patients desire, but find almost impossible to obtain in traditional doctor’s offices.

Dr. Greg Malakoff specializes in emergency chiropractic treatment and typically spends over an hour with a patient to manage and reduce their pain, while helping to restore normal function to their spine. He has been delivering on-site quality chiropractic care in since 1998 and have 28 years of clinical experience helping people get out of pain and well without drugs or surgery. Click here for more information on a mobile chiropractic visit in Los Angeles.


There are cases when physical therapy and healing from structural damage is required. We refer our clients in need of chiropractic work to Dr. Alex Bello:

Jon S. Haupers has worked with upper cervical specialist, Dr. Bello, for years, referring to him clients showing signs of preventative structural barriers that inhibit our typical results. The patient shows improvement quickly upon addressing the issue with Dr. Bello. This has proven to be a great combination for many of our complex TBI and migraine clients!

ElectroDermal Screening (EDS) Specialist

In cases of Lyme, CFS or mold issues, consider Laura Petkunaite, EDS specialist:

Laura has a unique method of working to improve the energetic state within the body to help support what LENS therapy has to offer to those people in a chronic state of weakness and fatigue. Laura’s brand of therapy has provided a remarkable boost to these LENS clients.